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    Serving as your diversity consultant I analyze hiring, training, and retention practices to help organizations achieve a diverse workforce. I believe in developing a close relationship to understand your needs as a client. Before services begin, I will conduct a 60-minute kick-off meeting with your leadership team. Upon completion of consulting work I will also conduct a 60-minute closing briefing with your leadership team. I look forward to assessing your organizations’ current diversity and inclusion strategy and assisting your organization in achieving your desired diversity and inclusion initiatives and goals.


    Full-Service Package (9-12 months of contracted service) 

    • Climate Survey (development and synthesis)
    • Organizational Diversity Strategic Plan (Goals, Strategies, Actions)
    • Diversity Search Committee Training
    • Review and Revision of Job Descriptions (based on 50 employees)
    • Review and Revision of Organizational DEI Policies (Equal Opportunity and Affirmative Action) If needed, development of polices (additional cost)
    • Review and Analysis of Organizational DEI Data
    • Specialized Trainings (ex. Unconscious Bias, Effective Communication in the Workplace, Workplace Inclusion) client selects one training
    • Needs Assessment/SWOT Analysis (systematic process for determining and addressing needs, or "gaps" between current conditions and desired conditions or "wants")

    Select-Service Package (6-9 months of contracted service)

    • Climate Survey (development and synthesis)
    • Organizational Diversity Strategic Plan (Goals, Strategies, Actions)
    • Diversity Search Committee Training
    • Review and Revision of Job Descriptions (based on 50 employees)
    • Review and Revision of Organizational DEI Policies (Equal Opportunity and Affirmative Action) If needed, development of polices (additional cost)
    • Review and Analysis of Organizational DEI Data

    Limited-Service Package (3-6 months of contracted service)

    • Climate Survey (development and synthesis)
    • Organizational Diversity Strategic Plan (Goals, Strategies, Actions)
    • Diversity Search Committee Training
    • Review and Revision of Job Descriptions (based on 50 employees)

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    Contact us to discuss our services.